Everyone with lights on their Slingshot will be asked to turn on their lights. Please remain in your parking spaces. Only paid registered Slingshots will be eligible to win the larger awards, and be eligible for the “Lighting Champion” award. Judges will go around and select winners for several categories such as “Brightest Lights”, “Most Original Lighting Modification”, “Cleanest Lighting Design”, “Static Single Color Lighting” etc. Only Slingshots parked in our main event space will be judged. Categories can be added and changed, and anyone can win one of our “Sling Experience Standout” trophies, so be sure to participate!
Judges will select a group of 4-6 finalists to compete for the “Lighting Champion” Award. The MC / Lead Judge will ask the finalists to make certain adjustments to their lights, and a scoring point system will be used based on several categories. Participants will get a score of 1-5 in each category, with the winner of that category getting a 5, and other participants getting 4 or lower.
2. INSTALLATION – Judges will walk around Slingshots looking for any exposed wires, or obvious defects in installation, like glue showing, improper fitment, etc. Faded / off-white or yellowed light strips may receive a lower score than fresh, “smoked out” light strips.
3. LIGHT SHOW – If your Slingshot can perform coordinated patterns, contestants will be asked to put their slingshot on “Show Mode”. If your Slingshot can react to music, contestants may be asked to perform their light show one at a time, so the music doesn’t interfere with others. Color coordination, unique light movements, and wow factor will all be part of the scoring.
4. CLEAN DESIGN – Style points, sometimes a clean looking install looks better than a Slingshot flooded with too many lights. A Slingshot with strategically placed lighting may score higher in this category than a Slingshot with light strips covering every line of the machine.
5. QUANTITY OF LIGHTS – This category is where “more is better”. Based on visual observation, judges will look at lights installed all over the Slingshot to try to determine who has the most lights. More lights = more points for this category.
6. CROWD REACTION – The audience will be asked to cheer for each contestant, as the primary judge announces each finalist. The loudest reaction will get a 5, while everyone else will receive a 4 or lower.
7. BONUS POINTS – Did you do something unique, that no one has done before? Do you have a game-changing modification? Put lights in a place that no one else has?
Please Note that each competition registration cost on day of event. Pre Registering for one or all the competitions you plan to participate in does give the planning committee an understanding on how many contestants to plan on for.
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